Saturday, July 14, 2012

No Pain All Gain

Saw my Orthodontist Dr. Rodney for the first time post surgery on Saturday. He said everything was looking fine and was amazed how much my profile changed! I told him everything was going great, but my nose became little bigger and the flesh around my nose turned up like sinus which only happens at old age and that bother me every now and then but he doesn't felt any kinda problem there. He just removed the digging wire from my mouth and granted one and half month rest before moving on to the braces world, i pleaded for a six month gap. And he complained Dr. Jeomy for my request then he just laughed that off..... 

Monday, July 2, 2012

Back to Real World!!!

7th July(73rd Day)
Saw my surgeon (Dr. Jeomy) today and he removed the wiring which has been put inside my mouth and it hurt very badly…. But not that much pain I happy to say apart from a nasty sharp wire that seems to be digging into the bottom of my left cheek. He wishes me to consult Dr. Rodney to continue with my ortho treatment… He hopes that wire can be removed according to Dr. Rodney’s consent…. 

I went to my friend’s wedding reception on Thursday and was really nervous about seeing people again, and what they would think! Will they give the same response of my aunts and cousins? They've already told me that they failed to trace out changes on my face.... And the response was hugely varied, some people said they couldn’t really tell and others thought i looked hugely different. The whole subject certainly gave me something to talk about.  In terms of how I think I look – yes i think i look better on photos (when i compare the before and after shots) - but in real life I’m not completely decided.  I am guessing that most of the swelling has gone by now – so what i can see is just me….but I’m definitely not used to it yet. I don’t think I’ll really know for sure until the braces come off, which might only be a couple of months now. No pain with the braces now, but i seem to have a new contact point with one of my teeth at the front, which is a bit tender. And gaps appeared in between…..

I’m seeing my Orthodontist on Wednesday - so I wonder what he will think! Will he give the same opinion of Dr. Murukan or what?