Sunday, May 4, 2014

Two Years Post Update...!!!

And, April 25th marked my second Jaw-niversary..... Firstly, I have to apologise for being a rubbish blogger.  I know I haven't posted for a few months and this two year update is coming on 4th may, 

So 2 year on... Exactly Two year ago on April 25, 2012, I was being wheeled into a surgery .I then spent the next two months recovering (you can read all about that in my previous posts). Reflecting on the whole experience I feel SO fortunate. Over the years I’ve read many blogs by people who went through similar surgeries and not all of them went as smoothly as mine.

I honestly think I can attribute the success of my surgery to the amazing care I had pre- during and after surgery. There was Dr Oommen's fantastic team. Dr.Rodney, who made me laugh through the humiliation of having braces in my twenties, the amazingly talented Dr. Oommen Aju Jacob and Dr Jeomy Zachariah Oommen and Dr. Murukan, who answered every single one of my questions and who let me know I was in safe hands all the way, and of course, my wonderful, beautiful mother who fed me, let me sleep in her bed and generally did absolutely everything for me the first four weeks after surgery when I was needing her care like an infant. my sweet sister who visited me, brought me presents, and even made me homemade soup, my father who welcomed me into  home with open arms, I truly am blessed to have had such wonderful people at my side and I thank God for that often.

Amazingly I don’t really have anything to tell you. Besides the obvious fact that my face looks different, it’s almost as if nothing ever happened. I gained back the weight I lost almost the moment I could eat, I have the feeling back in 99.9% of my face and I’m even (almost) used to seeing my profile in the mirror. Every so often when I’m putting on makeup I feel myself rub against plastic covered area under my lips but it doesn’t hurt at all, it just seems a little weird.
Yes I still have numbness on my left lips and chin (and will for life) but other than that there’s no remnant of this historic surgery. Considering I spent close to a decade researching it, wondering about it and worrying, it’s so odd to just have it done. No more looking at other people’s before and afters fantasizing about what my face will look like, and no more self-consciously trying to hide my under-bite. A part of my life is over and honestly I couldn’t be happier.
I doubt anyone is still reading this blog, but in case you are... I thought I would put some pictures up. I still have my braces on and no idea when I will be getting them off, but everything is going great. I'm very happy I had the surgery done.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Ulcers.... 1,2....3!!!!

I saw Dr. Rodney last week. It seems as though that the green elastics that I've had to wear across the molar teeth for the last five weeks worked a tiny bit but i misplaced the hooks. My ortho got disappointed to see the way i wore that. he gave a brief speech about the necessity of wearing elastics once again and advised to use pink code elastics instead of green. Now he says pink one’s are the softest code, i remember he told me before green ones are the softest. When i enquired that he don’t even remember that he don’t even remember his old words. but i know i remember his words, green one are the softest bands which are available...!!!! So now they have me wearing elastics 24 *7.  Now, I don't have a degree in orthodontics or dentistry or anything, so if anyone who does would like to explain all of this to me, I'm all ears. These annoying elastics hurt!!! Really hurts, often i have uncontrollable urge to pull this out but the same time my ortho’s face keeps me continue with it. Well, things aren’t going well with my cheeks, these elastics started scratching my cheeks and three ulcers turned up at the same time, on two lower and one upper lip.... And i stopped wearing elastics since i found ulcers   plus to that a part of dental clip from left upper molar teeth broken and the wire got liberty from being held tight to that joint. It started digging my lip lavishly with its full strength. i’m very uneasy about talking or eating. Torture!  But anyway.  Thats life.   50% normal, 50% weird.

broken part

I had another person contact me today through Facebook regarding jaw surgery after finding my blog. I thought, how are so many people finding this blog? So, I Googled "The Extreme Jaw Lift" and this one pops out on the list! I know it sounds lame, but I thought it was AWESOME!!!