Another specialist, another experience..... Dr.
Jeomy again referred me to Dr. Ganesh C Nair for the RCT.... He
is a great human being having patience enough to listen and understand his
patient's feelings and anxieties...... I was late again there, only
by 10 minutes but he was generous, didn't screw me for those past
600 seconds...... First day he did two teeth next day another one... He seems
scared to touch those risky and complicated teeth and sent me back without
finishing that. He said he needs to discuss about that case with Dr. Jeomy and
finally Dr. Rodney concluded that we must keep that risky one because removing
that will take another six months. In detail, already I have extracted one
molar teeth near that and others are inside my gum... To cut the gum and
making that come out will cost another valuable six months...... According to
the instructions of Dr. Jeomy, the risky one also turned blue. Dr.
Ganesh finished it as two parts in two days.... RCT was really scary, we, me n
my doctor worried about that a lot but that was an interesting experience.....
It doesn't hurt me but that left me
a completely liquitarien........
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