April 25 marked my 12 month jaw-niversary, one full year
after my face was sawed open and screwed and wired together. Wow. It's hard to
believe so much time has already gone by. It feels like it was just yesterday.... but that's how time
always is. I remember
the paths of my surgery, the hardships, the sufferings, the insults (Dr. Shivapriyan
and Dr. Sreejith’s), the consolation and the happiness. Ananthapuri hospital’s
dirty and ugly general ward, my room 644, long corridor to the operation
theater, Dr. Mahadevan, Dr. Shaji Azad, Dr. Sreevidya, Dr. Divya (all anesthesiologists),Dr Rekha Manoj, their
staffs and their love. Let me take a word for them, thank you doctors, I love
you all…. I didn’t mention my surgeons
and other doctors is not cuz I forget you, its just cuz you all are still there
in my life. Then the pre op ward, the lovely nurse who fed me mango juice and
tied my hair…. I miss all, all things happened on that BIG day…. I wish to be there once again, roam around the paths which I covered once. my left lower lip and left chin are still numb and I
wanna keep that like that forever cuz that the only thing which reminds me about my past days,
Heart full of pain,
Head full of stress
Hand full of anger,
held in my chest
Uphill struggle
Blood, sweat and tears
Nothing to gain
Everything to fear
Now... onto the fun part - my anniversary! Here's my
long-winded update.
Numbness: My left lower lip and chin are still quite numb. I
find that there are weeks (like right now) that it drives me NUTS - it itches,
it tickles, it twitches, it feels like I have two inches of dried wax sitting
on it.... The numbness does not bother me at all, at least when my chin isn't
throwing a fit. The numbness covers my chin to some degree, and it extends into
the sides of my upper lip and my nose( which cuz of rhinoplasty). Nose and
upper lip are not completely numb, but I don't have 100% feeling back anywhere there.
Again, it doesn't bother me - some people I've read have been annoyed to no end
about this, but unless I'm poking around with my fingernail or running my
fingers lightly over my face I can't even tell.
Jaw pain: lower numb
lip and the cut and joined section inside still hurts and the some strong
shaking effect is also there (the reason of that still not known). I still am
unable to chew without some pain,
Swelling: I still
have swollen days - especially after each and every dental appointments.
Some frequently asked questions.....
Was your mouth wired shut?
- Nope. I just wore really light elastics. i could take them off to
brush my teeth or open my mouth a little bit.
How long before you can go back to work/school? -
Depends. I only spend 3 days mainly in
bed and that was at hospital. At home I never tried to sleep except at night. I don’t think this surgery needs a lot of
How long before you get feeling back in your chin/lips? This is really tough to answer and i think it
definitely depends on how good your surgeon is and how extensive your surgery
is. I had absolutely no feeling in
pretty much my entire face after surgery....then it gradually started coming
back after a week or 2. I got feeling back in the right side of my
chin/lips but the left side was still numb.... and honestly its its still
mostly numb. I usually know when
something is touching my chin...but it doesn't feel the way it normally feels
when something touches your skin. If i brush my finger against the left side of
my lower lip/chin - it feels all tingly and weird. If i'm brushing my teeth and
some water or toothpaste drips onto my chin, i can't feel it at all. I'm not really a fan. They say whatever it
feels like at the 1 year point will probably how it'll feel for the rest of
your life.... so I just deal with it.
Does the surgery drastically alter your appearance? Depends on the surgery... I definitely look
different, but i wouldn't say drastically. My smile is definitely different -
but I'd say for the better. [no one coulda believed it was possible!!! :P]
HATS OFF TO U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!