Monday, April 25, 2016


Hi friends today is my 4TH JAW-NIVERSARY and BRACES. ARE. STILL. ON. 
I do not know life without them. Family and friends don't really know me without braces, I think. I currently look like I'm pushing 18. 

Present Updates:

1: Braces still there and thats y im getting gums infections regularly like once in a month basis.

2: Numbess: Partial numbess is there on left lower set of teeth. ( This numbness i donot want to go off just cuz i slowly started loving this inconvenience and can not think about a life without it)

3:chewing is still an odd sensation and a bit difficult with some foods

No pictures this time because I am half an year behind on posting it and soon my braces going to come off. So on the next post you'll get updated pictures as well as information. And that will be when my braces gets off.

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