Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Gum Flap Surgery- Session - 2

Yesterday, I ate a big breakfast before heading into my periodontist's office for the surgery. i reached there on time but the receptionist took more than 20 mins to check me in. i really hate the receptionists over there. They acts over smart and nut. my periodontist was there waiting for me. she said what we do first is to check whether the completed part is fully healed and suture removal and then only we are moving on to the other side. i saw a guy, a fresh face there and i thought he may be one from the hospital management group or a nurse/doctor and i thought my periodontist may introduce him. He was looking sad, extra terrestrial and trapped somewhere and doesn't know how to escape.

I kept my specs and earring on the table and sat in the dentist chair and was covered with protective bib and still he was there. If he is from the hospital team he should've left by now and a nurse no way... i remember my cousin sonu's words (who is a nurse) if female nurses are available then they wont appoint male nurses inside if the patient is female... so i asked who is that guy then my Periodontist replied he's a junior doctor, from chennai came here for a week just to monitor some cases and to study from it. i felt irritated and i said  i dont like any other one apart from my doctors are monitoring then Periodontist was about to ask him to move out i looked at him he was looking pathetic and like anytime he'll burst out to cry, i really don't like to hurt someone so i said, for this time its ok. he then stood behind periodontist hiding himself from me. 

My Periodontist checked carefully the right section and informed me that it healed perfectly and now we can remove the suture. i got myself ready to bear the pain and i even imagined how it will be... a tread, going to pull out from the area where they did surgery and it will go through the inside of my flesh and it will be like wax removal or quick pin pricks??? i closed my eyes and held the armrest sooo tightly but nothing happened and i opened my eyes and saw keeping a tiny part of thread on the tray. i asked my periodontist how much time it will take totally to remove suture she said it's finished!!! i didnt even feel it!!! It was sooo far beyond my expectation anyways here, No pain means not no gain isnt it???

And then they again put Q-tips on my mouth, given local anesthesia all the procedures were repeated. i wanted to sleep like last time i did but now they were working on left section so i had to turn my face on right direction and saliva accumulated on left and it was like anytime ooze out even though occasionally they kept suction. This was the greatest discomfort i felt and then i noticed my periodontist was describing some areas to that junior dr who kept himself hidden behind my periodontist and his face pops out back and forth like flash door whenever my periodontist calls him to describe. And that was super funny... and i got some more ideas too from what she was talking so i decided not to sleep and to listen them carefully. I noticed instruments going to and from my mouth, and I noted that there was no blood on anything. I even notice some bloody gauzes coming from my mouth. They were all pale coloured. In between that she gave the suture removed teeth a good cleaning and it hurt me but it was ok kinda pain. It took around 75 minutes to finish the whole procedure. i was really bored and the accumulated saliva on the right side kept irritating me and i was helpless i wasn't allowed to talk and i pointed that nurse to put suction there and she did whenever i asked but still it was horrible. 

After sewing my gums back together my periodontist declared that all the are procedures finished i jump out to the mirror to see whether any swelling is there cuz this time i felt more discomfort and more stitches were there since they had more tooth to work out. And i cleared some more doubts with her too... suddenly i felt my questions will be funny for them and what if she gets angry???  i scold myself to be calm but here i'm Lucky , my periodontist is an absolute sweetheart. she  helped me to figure out what was going to happen after this surgery and eased my worries about the swelling and the discomfort . She explained me how to handle the teeth which suture removed just now and explained the method of brushing and then they gave ice cubes covered inside gloves to keep that place. Swelling and pain would be there tomorrow, she remembered me even though it wasnt there on right side (a small bulge was there but hardly noticed)and then again explained me the do's and dont do's and reminded again not to talk much. And its time to go home and im visiting hospital in a week to get my stitches out....

I'm home now and I'm avoiding talking, but i felt tired of being silent for a long time and plus to that a heavy duty hard feeling of left. Saw movie 'Shaandhar' on laptop and it tempted me to laugh so switch on to 'The Others' my favorite horror movie (The first horror movie i watched when i was a little). I received whatsapp texts from my periodontist asking i how i feel now and she once again advised me to not to talk much(She knows i'm an ultra talkative) and sleep early.  i had medicine and slept as early i can(around 11pm).

Today's medicines

  • Mox 500 3 tabs perday upto 5 days
  • ketrolac 2 tab perday upto 3 days
  • chymoral forte 2 tab perday upto 3 days
  • imole plus 1 tab perday
  • metrogyl DG Gel  To massage on the suture removed teeth)
  • plus some vitamin caps too

The Gloves they gave me:

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