Sunday, October 9, 2016

Suture Removed!!!

I went back to the periodontist yesterday for my suture removal.  I was glad to be going because it wasnt bleeding since the last suture done. The procedure took all of 20 minutes.  She took a look at the stitches mouth and said it looked like it was healing nicely and we could remove the suture now. She took a look at the gums and said everything looked amazing.  She cut off the end of the stitch  it hurt me a tiny bit cuz the inside dressing wasnt droped off, She removed the inner dressing and then carefully the suture. Suture removal didnt consume me much but later she did a tough cleaning and which has me shivering ( sensitive areas) and it wasn't fun really! So that's where things stand now.  I'm continuing with soft food, using the oral rinse and brushing my other teeth carefully, avoiding hot liquids and foods.  I go back in 4 weeks for my month checkup.  The periodontist said the gums should be attached by then and I may be able to eat something that requires me to bite into it by that time (but it could be a few more weeks after that depending on how things go) and given a class about the instructions i must follow..

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