Wednesday, May 2, 2012

4th Day Post Surgery…..

Well I’m now back home…The sensation of my jaw healing is a bit odd and quite grim as the swelling moves around. As soon as my next dosage is due i can feel my face physically freezing up but this is much better on day 4 than it has been.

Things those were better than expected:

          1. The anesthetic. Really wasn't so scary. I didn’t feel sick and i couldn’t feel them pulling the tubes in or out it didn’t hurt.
          2. I didn’t felt any kinda throat pain or nose and I able to breath through nose.
          3. Looking in the mirror after you’ve had the surgery and thinking – o what have i done…!
          4. Catheter also doesn't hurt me or scared me.
          5. The pain generally. Is not like any sort of pain I’ve really felt before and although its bad, its not severe and is more of a dull sensation than anything else…
          6. It doesn't affect my speech.
          7. Getting home from hospital and being able to watch DVDs, TV and listen to the music at any time of day or night…!

Things those were worse than expected:

         1. How weird your new mouth feels. My tongue didn’t fit properly, I kept wanting to bite it at the front and at the side.  Having a swollen tongue and inside of your mouth is particularly unpleasant….
         2. Brushing when you cannot spit is more of a challenge than you might realize. You have to act like you have just now received a big impact on your face while gurgling.
3. Not being able to feel your mouth, dribbling down your chins constantly and wondering whether the sensation will ever come back!
         4. Not able to feel the satisfaction when you try to scratch your itching lips and cheeks.
         5. Running nose and the vomiting tendency which turns up with every kinda minute smells. (tissue, towel, soap, perfumes, plates, mug….. etc)

I’ve not felt any kinda pain and that put me on a great surprise…. I’ve been waiting long to receive great pain and pain killers as a nightmare…. Only I felt irritation with these swellings, dull sensation and the cold feeling which that delivers I’m happy to say, apart from a nasty sharp wire that seems to be digging into the bottom of my left chin. Well i know it is! And my chin is sore and bruised. And each morning when i wake up all the fixtures feel like they are welded into the side of my mouth. Its a very strange sensation. I’ve invested one mouth wash tooo which kept me away from infecting plaque and deposits as I’m not able to brush properly. But its taste seems so sharp and I afraid it will cause ulcers on all across the inside of my mouth and tongue….  

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